Troas was a city in the northwest corner of Asia Minor. The Apostle Paul arrived in this city after trying to preach the Gospel in areas called Mysia and Bithyina. But the Holy Spirit led him to Troas instead.
Troas was a cultural and commercial hub but also had a huge religious significance in Greek mythology. As Paul and his companions spent a short time in Troas, they brought the Gospel of Jesus Christ to Troas. It was in this city where Paul saw a vision of a man in Macedonia calling him: “come over to Macedonia and help us”. Paul concluded that God had called them to preach the Gospel to the people across the Aegean Sea which was part of the European continent.
New Churches sprung up in Macedonia and Greece, but also in Troas. Years later Paul travelled on his farewell tour visiting the Churches he had established. He had agreed that he would reunite with some of his co-workers in Troas. When Paul arrived he and his companions stayed in Troas for seven days.
The day before their departure the whole Church was gathering on the third floor of an upstairs building. After breaking the bread and sharing Holy Communion Paul started teaching the Word of God. As it was getting late they put on the many lamps that were located in this upper room.
Paul continued to share the Word of God with the believers who had gathered to learn more of the plan of God for their lives. Probably the room must have been filled to capacity. Therefore a young man called Eutychus sat in an open window. Paul kept speaking until midnight giving the believers as much as possible of the bread of heaven. Eventually Eutychus fell into a deep sleep. As he was sound asleep still sitting in the window he fell down from the third floor. He was picked up dead.
Paul immediately went down the stairs, bent over him and took him into his arms. “Don’t worry” he said, “he is alive!” When the young man rose up everyone was greatly comforted and relieved.
This story serves as a dramatic demonstration of the power of God and the authority of the Apostle Paul as a representative of Christ. Paul’s ability to bring Eutychus back from death underscores the miraculous nature of his ministry and reinforces the message of faith and salvation. Paul did not accept Eutychus to be robbed from the family of God.
But this story has also a deeper symbolism for us today. Eutychus falling asleep during Paul’s teaching can be interpreted as an illustration for spiritual lethargy or apathy. When the Word of God could no longer find entrance into the heart of Eutychus he lost balance, fell and died.
There are times in our lives when we become distant to the Word of God. The Word of God is the source of our life and when we do no longer listen we are in great danger. We begin to lose our balance and begin to doubt God to come through in our situation.
In the natural world, we understand that without a regular intake of food we become weak and might even harm ourselves if we don’t eat for a prolonged period of time. Ultimately our body can’t survive without nourishment.
What we easily understand in the natural world we do not fully comprehend being true in the spiritual realm as well. God teaches us that man does not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord (Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthews 4:4).
Eutychus could also be an area of our life, a dream or a vision that has become dormant. When God first communicated with us about the purpose of our life, our future and our dreams we got very excited. But along the way we get entangled with all kinds of worries which leads us to lose our hope that God’s promises can indeed come true. We at times try to make the promises come through in our human strength and when this fails we get discouraged to such an extent that we are in great danger to throw God’s promises overboard.
The promises God gave us through His Word must not die and even if one has already died there is still hope.
Thank God, the story of Eutychus gives us an assurance that God can renew and even resurrect our broken dreams to new life again. Paul, the carrier of the Word embraced the dead body of the young man giving him breath and life back again. What happened to Eutychus in his physical life can also happen through our spiritual life by the renewal and awakening of the Word of God. This Word will be a deposit of God’s Grace into our areas of need. God revives what has died!
Let us be encouraged by the way this story ended.
God speaks the Word of His Grace into our lives and revives everything that has become tired, weak and dead. His Word is able to resurrect all the shaky and even dead areas in us to a new overwhelming and joyful life again. Never give up. Joseph had to wait for between 13 and 20 years until all the dreams God had given to him became reality.
We must never panic but rather seek to get new courage, energy and life from the eternal Word of the Lord. His Word never fails! It will never return to the Lord without having fulfilled its mission (Isaiah 55:11).
Your Eutychus must live!
Make sure that you expose your Eutychus to the Word of Life.
There is power in the Word of the Almighty God! Trust Him.